
The first summer day,we all love it!

on first hearing this seems a rather strange phrase. Why should people put anything under their new era hats  and, even if they were to, why would that be associated with secrecy?
The speculation is that putting an item under one’s hat would be a way of hiding it. Such trickery is recorded, as in the collection of stories, published as The Adventurer, 1793:”By a sudden stroke of conjuration, a great quantity of gold might be conveyed under his hat.”
The most commonly repeated speculation on the ‘hiding under one’s hat’ theory of the origin of this expression is that English archers in mediaeval times used to store spare bowstrings under their new york yankees caps to keep them dry.
I’ll be joining the NBHA next year.
For those of you that don’t know what it is, it’s the National Barrel Horse Association.
In their barrel races, you have to wear either a monster energy  or helmet. I will be wearing a hat.
But they have this rule, that says if your hat falls off during a run, they will add 5 seconds to your time and/or charge you $6 just to get your hat back!
I’ve only had to use a wholesale new era fitted hats when showing in showmanship and halter. I’ve never used one for a riding class before. And mine barely stayed on my head when i was just trotting my horse on the ground!
new era hats
So… how do you keep a hat on? I know it’s probably about making it fit right. But what kinds/brands of hats are the best? And what are the worst?
Let’s just get that out of the way. Firstly, keeping dry isn’t keeping secret, so even if archers did store strings that way, and there’s no evidence that they did, where is the connection to the phrase’s meaning? Secondly, and it would have been kinder to put this first as it entirely dismisses the archer tale, the phrase isn’t known in English until the 19th century – so much for a mediaeval origin.
It is much more likely that there’s no direct link to hats at all and that ‘keep it under your hat’ just mean

keep it in your head’. That’s the meaning alluded to in the earliest citations of the phrase in print. The oldest of such that I can find is in Charlotte Mary Yonge’s novel, Nuttie’s Father, 1885.

Alice Egremont’s loving and unsuspecting heart was so entirely closed against evil thoughts of her husband… while Nuttie, being essentially of a far more shrewd and less confiding nature, was taking in all these revelations… It was all under her hat, however, and the elder ladies never thought of her, Alice bringing back the conversation to Mrs. Houghton herself.”
The same meaning is evident in Anthony Trollope’s What I Remember, 1887–89:”The man whose estate lies under his snapback hats need never tremble before the frowns of fortune.”

